Politique qualité et environnement

Reciclaje y Almacenaje de Materias Plásticas, S.L. (REALPLAST), a company dedicated to the valorization and recovery of plastic materials from post-industrial and post-consumer, it is aware of the impact that recovery and compounding activity has on improving the environment for society in general and for the parties involved who collaborate with Realplast (customers, suppliers, collaborators, internal staff, neighbours, environmental organizations…).

Therefore, Realplast’s management acquires the common and constant commitment to fulfil with this policy and actively participate in sustainable development and the circular economy, promoting the protection and respect for the environment and developing an organization focused on the improvement of processes to achieve customer satisfaction.

This commitment is reflected in the basic principles of our Quality and Environment Policy, which are:

  • Achieve and improve the satisfaction of our customers and even exceed their expectations, supplying a product that meets their needs, by implementing the concept of continuous process improvement throughout the organization.
  • Developing both new products and innovations, in new facilities that allow us to obtain better recovery ratios to reduce the environmental impact of managed plastic waste and, this way, be able to generate new raw materials that minimize the consumption of natural resources by the interested parts.
  • Accept, fulfil and ensure fulfilment with the legal obligations that affect the activity and the processed products, taking into account the obligations voluntarily undertaken.
  • Reinforce the dialogue between the interested parties, involving all of them with the sole objective of continuous improvement and compliance with our Quality and Environment Management System, which will result in meeting the needs and expectations of all of them.
  • Develop a communication channel and training for all Realplast staff with the goal to ensure compliance with this Quality and Environment Policy and the Quality and Environment Management System, making the entire organization aware that it is the only way to achieve the protection of the Environment and the satisfaction of our customers.
  • Establishing the necessary indicators for the evaluation of the continuous improvement of the performance of the Quality and Environment Management System.
  • Periodically review this Policy so that it is the reference framework for establishing the Quality and Environment objectives of the system and for its adaptation to economic, social, cultural and environmental variations.

Sabadell, february the 13th, 2021

Christian Dios

© Realplast, S.L. – 2017
Recyclage et stockage de matières plastiques

Notre présence internationale

Le siège de Realplast
Bureaux et usine

C. Ca n’Alzina, 107-111
08202 – Sabadell (Barcelone)

+ 34 935 862 911
